Argo Tractors “Goes Digital”

Provide customers and the sales network with leading-edge tools for full support. This is the goal of the digitization process which, from the beginning of this year, has encouraged Argo Tractors to invest in more advanced systems able to achieve high service levels of excellence.

Investments in CRM software, in new Corporate and Dealer websites, in product configuration, B2B and B2C e-commerce and assistance from specialized external providers conforms to the Factory 4.0 model by integrating all tools at functionality level. The process is also backed by image coordination designed to strengthen Landini, McCormick and Valpadana brand awareness.

Professional management of the group's social media channels is another of the initiatives designed to step up customer dialogue.

As to the sales network, the aim is to streamline the dealers' work processes. The new IT systems approach adopted by Argo Tractors will allow communications to be more customer-oriented, less intrusive and will enable product proposals and the provision of services to be tailored specifically to meet the customer needs.

The sales network will benefit from the new tools since customer enquiries can be taken directly and immediately entered into the system. A quote can then be created with minimal additional effort thereby assuring top quality standards.

For Argo Tractors, dealers are a vital part of the corporate structure. This is why it was natural for the Group to invest in the sales network by adopting technologies able to optimize time usage and improve customer satisfaction.

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