Our History
Argo Tractors is an important industrial Group family owned that designs, produces and markets tractors, services and parts worldwide, which encompass a technological portfolio of brands that have set important milestones in agricultural mechanization.
Discover the most significant milestones of one of the most important industrial Group in the sector.
Founding of the Argo company
The brothers Valerio and Pierangelo Morra set up the company Argo SpA with the aim of becoming an industrial holding and service provider for Group companies. In the same year Argo acquired the company Fort of Luzzara (Reggio Emilia), active in the production of agricultural machinery.
Acquisition of Landini SpA
Argo acquires Landini SpA, a historic tractor company based in Fabbrico (RE).
Acquisition of Valpadana SpA
Valpadana SpA of S.Martino in Rio (RE)
is acquired, a well-known manufacturer of specialised low and medium horsepower tractors.
Acquisition of Laverda SpA
The Argo Group acquires Laverda SpA of Breganze (VI), a historic Italian company, internationally renowned, entering the sector of combine harvesters.
That same year it also acquires the company S.E.P., a well-known brand in the market of small agricultural machines.
Acquisition of McCormick
With a view to expanding its international presence, the Group acquires the historic McCormick brand together with its tractor production plantsin England (Doncaster) and driveline plants in France (St. Dizier)
Acquisition of Fella-Werke Gmbh & Co. KG
Consistent with its mission of international growth, through its subsidiary Laverda SpA, the Argo Group acquires Fella-Werke Gmbh & Co. KG and its related commercial and industrial activities.
Acquisition of 50% of Gallignani SpA
Through its subsidiary Laverda, Argo
acquires 50% of the capital of Gallignani SpA, a leading company in the grass harvest sector.
New Joint Venture
The group strengthens its harvesting business by establishing a joint venture with Agco Corporation, in partnership with Laverda.
Founding of Argo Tractors SpA
In October, Landini and McCormick
are merged into a single business: Argo Tractors SpA.
At the same time the assembly of McCormick tractors moves from Doncaster (UK) to Fabbrico (RE – Italy).
The ARGO Group makes the tractor its core business
The Argo Industrial Group focuses on the agricultural tractor business and sells its stake in Laverda SpA to Agco. At the end of the year all tractor production is brought back to Italy, to the factories in Fabbrico, San Martino in Rio and Luzzara.
Valpadana merges into Argo Tractors SpA
Valpadana, already owned by ARGO, merges into Argo Tractors SpA to leverage synergies in production,distribution and organisation.
New Season Opening
The Argo Tractors World Convention is held in the Paganini Auditorium in Parma to share the company’s new development plan with the press, importers and Landini, McCormick and Valpadana dealers.
Landini’s 130th Anniversary
Landini celebrates the brand’s 130th anniversary
with a special press event: an Endurance race with a Landini Series 7 in action for 130 consecutive hours and driven by trade journalists on the Ciocco circuit (Lucca).
Xtractor: Australia
McCormick produces Xtractor Around the World: a film documentary, with 4 tractors and camera car in a tractor adventure covering 8,500 km in 45 days on (and off) Australian roads.
Opening of the new branch office
of Argo Tractors Espana
On the 29th of September,
the new Argo Tractors Espana headquarters was opened in Villamarciel, selling Landini and McCormick tractors throughout the Iberian territory. With a total property measuring 6 hectares and 2,500 square metres indoors, the new facility has sufficient equipped spaces for carrying out activities useful for the promotion of the brands and their products in the territory, as well as for the best technical and commercial training of the dealership network.
Xtractor: South Africa
McCormick produces Xtractor Around the World:
a film documentary, with 4 tractors and camera car in a tractor adventure covering 8,000 km in 50 days on (and off) South African roads.
Opening of the new branch office
of Argo Tractors France
The new headquarters of Argo Tractors France
was opened on the 10th of October 2019 and will sell Landini and McCormick tractors throughout France. The new site is home to an advanced training centre that is able to provide all the support necessary for the dealership network
and even to host special events organised for customers. The branch office of Argo Tractors France aims to become a cutting-edge operational site dedicated to high-performance products and services designed for modern agriculture.