Waldemar Zaremba new General Manager of the Polish branch of Argo Tractors

Argo Tractors, the Italian industrial group leader in agricultural mechanisation and manufacturer of McCormick and Landini tractors, recently identified Waldemar Zaremba as the ideal profile to steer Argo Polska Sp. Z o.o w organizacji, the new Polish branch of Argo Tractors inaugurated a few days ago.

Zaremba, 45 years old, has prestigious and extensive managerial experience in the automotive and agricultural mechanisation world and is called upon to continue the process of strengthening the brands of the Italian group on the local market, a market that has been growing steadily over recent years.

The Polish market,” comments Simeone Morra, Corporate Business Director of Argo Tractors, “is undergoing profound changes, with a growth in terms of size of the farms and a significant increase in demand for technology, power and services. As a group, we have already invested in this market in recent years through a network of dealers, to whom, from now on, we will be providing even further support thanks to the skills and experience of Waldemar Zaremba and his team of collaborators who will be committed to responding to the demands of local customers as never before.”

Argo Tractors fully responds to the demands of the Polish market, thanks to its full range of McCormick and Landini tractors and their specific characteristics of power, transmission and applications. In particular, the high-power range of McCormick tractors having power outputs of up to 310 Hp for open field use as well as the new Landini 2 Series, REX4 and 4 Series specialist tractors for orchards, vineyards, livestock and works related to hay-making represent the products to focus on to strengthen the local presence.

I am positively impressed by the range and quality of the Landini and McCormick tractors – comments Waldemar Zaremba, General Manager of Argo Polska – as well as the production processes that demonstrate that Argo Tractors is a modern and competitive manufacturer providing products and services dedicated to the European agricultural market. Moving this heritage and passion to Poland, organising demonstrations on field to promote and allow viewers to appreciate the ultimate quality of Landini and McCormick tractors, will be the challenge we will face and overcome with enthusiasm”.

agricoltura di precisione